Monday, September 21, 2009

It's a God thing :D

Tell me, what are the odds of this: On Thursday I was introduced to a woman who is a refugee from East Africa, my favourite part of the world, where I grew up. She doesn't speak much English, but speaks Swahili, so when the people at Ecclesia heard that I knew some Swahili, they introduced me to her. My Swahili is extremely rusty, but we manage to communicate in Swenglish with a lot of hand motions. She has lived in Houston for two years now and is struggling. Her husband left her to care for her 5 children alone. She is living in government housing and until recently has not been able to find a job because her English is not very good. Praise God that Ecclesia is giving her a job cleaning the church once a week, which will provide her with enough money to pay her rent and more. She is an extremely sweet woman who hugs a lot. ;) This was definitely a God thing.

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